
The UK Hydrographic Office has a global network providing ADMIRALTY products, services and data to support navigation.

Become an ADMIRALTY Distributor


An ADMIRALTY Distributor sells navigation products and services, primarily to regulated SOLAS ships.

As an ADMIRALTY Distributor, you will receive:

  • Training on ADMIRALTY products and services
  • Access to ADMIRALTY commercial programmes
  • Weekly e-newsletters
  • Access to Technical Working Groups
  • Invites to conferences and events
  • Access to our co-branding opportunities
  • Access to customer service and technical support
  • Invitation to be part of Product Working Groups

To apply to become an ADMIRALTY Distributor, complete and return the Distributor application form.

Please ensure you meet the Distributor appointment criteria before starting an application.

Application periods are quarterly, with applications reviewed the following month. For example, we will review applications submitted between1 January and 31 March before May 2025.

Become an ADMIRALTY Technical Solution Provider


An ADMIRALTY Technical Solution Provider (TSP) sells non-navigation products and services that help those working onshore make better decisions.

We are currently accepting applications to provide AVCS Online, a global web map service. Please see the AVCS Online information pack for more information about AVCS Online.

As an ADMIRALTY Technical Solution Provider, you will receive:

  • Technical development support
  • Access to co-branding opportunities
  • Access to customer service and technical support
  • Account management

To apply to become an ADMIRALTY Technical Solution Provider, complete and return the Technical Solution Provider application form.

Please ensure you meet the Technical Solution Provider appointment criteria before starting an application.

You can submit applications at any point throughout the year. We will review them within 30 days of acknowledgement of receipt.

Become an ADMIRALTY Development Partner


An ADMIRALTY Development Partner will have access to technical expertise ensuring ADMIRALTY products and services function and display correctly in their hardware and software for navigation purposes.

As an ADMIRALTY Development Partner,  you will receive:

  • Technical development support
  • Access to detailed technical specifications
  • Access to comprehensive test data in support system development
  • Access to industry insight
  • Marketing support

Become a UKHO Licensee


Licensees range from commercial companies to individuals who derive products and services providing solutions for navigation, non-navigation, educational or research purposes from data held and owned by the UKHO.

For more information on the licensing options available, please contact our Customer Service team.