
Comprehensive coverage of fixed lights and fog signals of navigational significance


Each volume of List of Lights and Fog Signals offers:

  • Descriptions of the characteristics of lights and fog signals, together with the equivalent foreign language light descriptions, to help bridge crews with identification

  • Also contains a number of lit floating marks including pontoon lights, resilient and buoyant beacons, Single Point Mooring (SPM), Storage and Offloading Facilities (FPSO)

  • Tables to assist in the calculation of geographical and luminous ranges of lights

  • Details for all lights listed including the international number, location and/or name, geographical position, characteristics and intensity, elevation in metres, range in sea miles and description of structure

  • Published in 15 regional volumes (A-Q) for simplicity and ease of handling

Also available as an ADMIRALTY Digital Publication

Each volume of ADMIRALTY List of Lights is available as a single digital publication: ADMIRALTY Digital List of Lights (ADLL). As part of the ADP package, ADLL offers greater efficiency, faster updating and more flexible information access.


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