How to keep your ADMIRALTY Products Up-to-Date (NP294)

Clear guidance on the efficient upkeep and maintenance of official ADMIRALTY charts and publications, whether paper or digital.

This publication is available in both paper format and as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication (AENP).

Symbols and Abbreviations used on Paper Charts (NP5011)

Gives details on symbols and abbreviations used on the worldwide range of ADMIRALTY charts, and international Chart Series Paper Charts. It also contains information on hydrography, topography and navigational aids and services.

This publication is available in both paper format and as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication (AENP). 

IALA Maritime Buoyage System (NP735)

Provides information on the Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage systems, helping bridge crews to clearly fix positions and avoid dangers. The publication also includes diagrams and written explanations of the five types of marks: lateral, cardinal, isolated danger, safe water and special marks.

This publication is available in both paper format and as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication (AENP).

Catalogue of ADMIRALTY Charts and Publications (NP131)

A comprehensive catalogue detailing all available ADMIRALTY products and services. The catalogue is revised in December every year. An addendum is supplied with each copy to bring the catalogue up to date with any subsequent changes.

Cumulative list of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners (NMs)

Assists bridge crews in identifying outstanding NMs and audit trails for particular charts. This is published six-monthly in January (NP234A) and in July (NP234B).

This publication is available in both paper format and as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication (AENP).

ADMIRALTY Distance Tables (NP350 1-3)

A three part series of tables, sub-divided by region, that gives the shortest distances between ports. The publication also includes supporting diagrams and text, with link tables fo​r ports not in the same or adjacent table.

Paper chart maintenance record (NP133A)

Enables easy maintenance and cross-indexing of corrections made to ADMIRALTY charts, as well as a record of weekly NMs, new charts and new editi​ons for auditing. ​

Annual summary ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners

Published every January in two parts. Part one contains Annual NMs and re-prints of all ADMIRALTY Temporary and Preliminary Notices that are in force from 1 January (NP247(1)).

Part two lists the current editions of Sailing Directions and amendments which have been published in the weekly editions of ADMIRALTY NMs that are in force from 1 January (NP247(2)).

This publication is available in both paper format and as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication (AENP).