
Data from seabed to surface

At the UKHO, we hold terabytes of data from seabed to surface, gathered from a range of sources and data suppliers. 

Our expert teams gather, process, verify and publish this data to support navigational safety and further users’ understanding of the ocean environment. We also make many data sets available via the ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal, along with a range of apps and APIs.

By collaborating with the UKHO, your data could help support safety at sea for mariners worldwide and underpin the responsible use of our oceans. In return, we can offer specialist expertise and support the governance and licensing of your data.

UKHO Data Upload

Share your bathymetric survey data via our UKHO Data Upload service.

Through this service, you can easily upload bathymetric data, provide supporting information and view previously submitted surveys. This enables teams at the UKHO to quickly and accurately process incoming bathymetric data for use within our ADMIRALTY products and services to support safety of life at sea.

Submit your survey data
Ship in Felixstowe harbour

Collaboration with ports

The UKHO relies on port and harbour authorities to provide information from within port limits and their approaches. 

Sharing your data with the UKHO can not only support safe maritime navigation through the updating of official ADMIRALTY products and services, but can support with effective data governance and licensing through the UKHO's data custodianship. 

To find out more about best practice for sharing your data or to discuss developing a Port Agreement, visit our Ports and Harbours page. 

Collaboration with ports and harbours

UK Centre for Seabed Mapping

In 2022, we launched the UK Centre for Seabed Mapping (UK CSM) to support the collection, management and access of all seabed mapping data managed by UK public sector organisations.

By bringing together UK government organisations and coordinating publicly funded data, this can unlock significant benefits from supporting safe maritime trade to enabling the sustainable management of marine resources.

We invite any UK organisation, institution or initiative interested in optimising the UK’s maritime assets to learn more about the UK CSM and register their interest in sharing their seabed mapping expertise and data.

Find out more about the UK CSM

Hydrographic notes


If you have safety critical or navigationally significant information to share with the UKHO, you can submit a Hydrographic Note.

This information could include:

  • New or suspected navigational dangers
  • Changes to aids to navigation
  • Changes to details contained in ADMIRALTY publications
  • Suspected counterfeit ADMIRALTY products in circulation

By sharing your information, this can help us to maintain our ADMIRALTY products and services in support of safe navigation.

Visit our Hydrographic Notes page to find out how to submit your information.