
Helping bridge crews to manage communications and comply with all reporting regulations throughout a voyage

ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals provides information on all aspects of Maritime Radio Communications.

ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals


For clarity and convenience, this publication is split across six volumes; with contents ranging from Maritime Radio Station listings to Maritime Safety Information Services worldwide. You can find full details on the contents of each volume and its corresponding parts below.


Volume 1 (NP281) - Maritime Radio Stations (Parts 1 & 2)

Split across two publications, Volume 1 includes radio details for:

  • Global Maritime Communications

  • Satellite Communication Services

  • Coastguard Communications

  • Maritime TeleMedical Assistance Service (TMAS)

  • Radio Quarantine and Pollution reports

  • Anti-Piracy Contact Table


Volume 2 (NP282) - Radio Aids to Navigation, Differential GPS (DGPS), Legal Time, Radio Time Signals and Electronic Position Fixing System (Parts 1 & 2)

Split across two publications, Volume 2 includes radio details for:

  • Listing of VHF Radio Direction-Finding Stations

  • Radar Beacons (Racons and Ramarks)

  • Known operational Automatic Identification System (AIS)

  • Aids to Navigation (AtoN)

  • Radio beacons transmitting DGPS corrections

  • International Standard and Daylight Saving Times and Dates

  • International Radio Time Signal Broadcast details


Volume 3 (NP283) - Maritime Safety Information Services (Parts 1 & 2)

Split across two publications, Volume 3 includes radio details for:

  • Maritime Weather Services

  • Radio Weather and Navigational Warnings

  • NAVTEX and EGC Services with comprehensive broadcast information

  • Submarine and Gunnery Warning details (Subfacts and Gunfacts)

  • Radio-Facsimile Stations, frequencies and weather map areas


Volume 4 (NP284) - Meteorological Observation Stations

This volume includes:

  • All Met Observation Stations listed worldwide

Volume 5 (NP285) - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

This volume includes:

  • Worldwide communication requirements for distress, search and rescue
  • Extracts from SOLAS and ITU Regulations

  • Distress and SAR (incorporating MRCC and MRSC contacts)

  • NAVTEX and and EGC Service fundamentals, with an overview of the MSI broadcasts by each

  • MSI fundamentals under the Worldwide Navigational Warning Service

  • Worldwide NAVAREA and National Coordinator contact details


Volume 6 (NP286)  - Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations (Parts 1 - 8)

Split across eight publications, Volume 6 includes radio details for:

  • Detailed Pilot information, contact details and procedures

  • Vessel Traffic Service information, contact details and procedures

  • National and International Ship Reporting Systems

  • Port information, contact details and procedures

Also available as an ADMIRALTY Digital Publications

Each volume of ADMIRALTY Radio Signals is also available as one of three digital publications within ADMIRALTY Digital Radio Signals (ADRS). As part of the ADP package, each ADRS application offers greater efficiency, faster updating and more flexible information access.


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These weekly NMs can be downloaded for free from our website, or the paper bulletin can be bought from your ADMIRALTY Distributor.

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The ADMIRALTY Digital Catalogue (ADC) can also provide you with a comprehensive reference of all ADMIRALTY Maritime Data Solutions.