Counterfeit products that have not been supplied by an authorised ADMIRALTY Distributor pose a significant danger to crew, vessels and cargo.
Counterfeit products have not been issued officially by or on the authority of a government, authorised Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution and do not satisfy the carriage requirements of the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (see Chapter V, Regulations 2.2 and of the Convention).
Furthermore, they have not undergone the rigorous checking procedures undertaken by UKHO experts for official versions to ensure quality assurance and integrity of information.

Guide to identifying counterfeit ADMIRALTY products
We have produced a guide to help you to identify genuine ADMIRALTY products and reduce the risk of counterfeits being used for navigation.
If you do find a counterfeit product, please inform the UKHO by emailing our Customer Services team. Please provide details of where and when the product was purchased, photographs and, where possible, the product itself to help us identify the source.
Read more about how we are supporting mariners now and in the future
Unlocking the power of digital navigation solutions
Our digital navigation solutions, including the ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service (AVCS), are equipping mariners with powerful decision-making tools that will enhance safety and navigation at sea.
Decarbonisation of the shipping industry
By leveraging the power of marine geospatial data, the UKHO is supporting shared environmental initiatives to help decarbonise the industry.